Instructions to withdraw NFT Heroes to Wallet
Step 1: At the Account interface in the Market select Game Inventory -> Heroes will display a series of NFT Heroes you currently own
Step 2: Select the NFT Heroes you want to withdraw to your wallet (can choose multiple champions at the same time) by clicking on the Hero card icon in the interface.
Step 3: Select Withdraw to Wallet to keep withdrawing heroes or Unselect all to stop the procedure.
A warning panel will appear, players should CAUTION at this step if you continue to withdraw the Hero to the Hero’s wallet, the Level of the Hero will return to 1 and will not return any materials. Please level up another hero before withdrawing NFT Heroes to your wallet.
Step 4: After clicking OK, the popup requesting transaction confirmation from MetaMask wallet will display a notice of the fee lost when moving NFT. Press OK to continue
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